Public Records & Documents

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Property Reports

Comprehensive Property Profile: current ownership, property characteristics, site details, tax and assessment, last title transfer, last and prior sales and mortgage data. Learn More

Property Legal Description and Title Vesting: non-recordable standardized legal description, title vesting names and description, tax and assessment information. Learn More

Property Title History: officially recorded ownership transfers (chain of title), sales records, original mortgages, and refinances. Learn More

Voluntary (consensual) Lien Records: Title History Report content, plus mortgage assignments, releases, modifications, and foreclosures. Learn More

Involuntary (non-consensual) Lien Records: property liens such as mechanic's, HOA, tax, and government liens; personal liens and filings like judgments, divorce, bankruptcy, affidavits, notices, etc. Learn More

All-inclusive Property Information: includes Title History, Voluntary Liens, Legal & Vesting, Involuntary Liens on the current owner, most of the Detailed Report content, plus several exclusive data segments. Learn More

Property Permit Records: history of building permits issued on the subject property by local municipalities, such as remodeling, new construction, roofing, solar, etc. Learn More

Automated Valuation Reports (AVM): currently estimated market value, property details, last and prior sales information, and comparable sales records. Learn More

Assessor's Parcel Map

  Parcel Maps

Download high-resolution assessor's parcel maps (tax maps) drawn to scale reflecting the legal boundaries, subdivisions, and dimensions of real estate properties. Learn More

Homeowner Leads

 Research & Leads

Combine multiple search criteria and filter property records by land use, property type, and numerous custom factors. Download highly targeted homeowner leads. Learn More

Homeowners Lists

 Homeowners Lists

Generate free lists of property owners. Search within a specified range of house numbers and get owners' names, property addresses, and assessors' parcel numbers. Learn More


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