Detailed Property Profile Information

The Detailed Property Report is a comprehensive real property profile that offers a wealth of information extracted from public real estate records. It is a one-stop source, gathering data points from County Records and Tax Assessor's Offices to provide all the essential property and ownership information. This empowering report and other supplemental records are designed to give instant online access to the most complete real property information in the United States.

Detailed Report Contents

  • Property Ownership: Current owner's name and mailing address.
  • Location Information: Physical location details, APN, short legal description.
  • Property Characteristics: Year built, living area, construction details.
  • Site Information: Land Use classification, site descriptions, zoning.
  • Tax and Assessment: Assessed value and tax information.
  • Last Title Transfer: Data on the last ownership transaction.
  • Sales Information: Last and prior sales dates and prices.
  • Mortgage Records: Original mortgage amounts and details.
  • Neighborhood Area Information: Relevant neighborhood data.

Types of Properties Covered

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Land
  • Vacant Lot
  • Industrial
  • Agricultural
  • Other types of Real Estate Properties

Provided Property Data

The Property Ownership Information section is sufficient to obtain the current Property Owner's name (individual or business) and the property owner's mailing address. It will also indicate if the property is owner-occupied. The Location section provides information about the physical location of the property with a short legal description. Property Characteristics include the year built, living area, construction information, improvements, and other essential property details. Site information includes the land use, site descriptions, and zoning. Tax and Assessment includes assessed values and tax information. Last Owner Transfer provides data related to the last ownership transaction. Last and Prior Market Sales information includes sale and recording dates, sale prices, and seller names. It also includes all retrieved original Mortgage Information with amounts, document numbers, filing dates, and types of deeds. Please review the sample of a Detailed Property Report to determine what data you may expect to receive.

The following types of Document Images can be purchased from Detailed Property Reports: last ownership transfer document (deed), last finance document (mortgage), last and prior market sale deeds and mortgage documents.

 Property reports do not represent the condition of the title and may not include all recorded information. Property records are in the public domain and maintained by government establishments such as the county recorder and the local tax assessor's office. Not all data may be available in all counties or on every real property.